September 17, 2019 Regular Meeting Minutes


Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Village Board met Tuesday, September 17, 2019 at 7:00 PM at the Village offices.


Present:            John Spaeth, Mayor

Steve Collins, Trustee

Sue Eckert, Trustee

John Markiewicz, Trustee

Sue Sedon, Trustee




Wendy Reu, Village Clerk

Nathanial Matthews, Treasurer


Mayor Spaeth called the meeting to order at 7:00p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


Motion to approve the minutes of the August 12, 2019 Regular Meeting was made by Trustee Sedon, seconded by Trustee Eckert, and passed by voice vote as follows:

Aye:                 Trustee Collins, Trustee Eckert, Trustee Markiewicz, Trustee Sedon

Nay:                  0

Abstain:           0


PUBLIC COMMENTS – Bob Ellsworth asked the Board for a Zoning update and he was informed it was on the agenda to be discussed at the meeting.



Police – There was no police report. Mayor Spaeth reported he is having a problem getting consistent reports from the PD.


Streets Highway Superintendent Dan Reidell’s monthly report was read. He indicated that garbage collection scheduled for October 1st would have to be moved to October 2nd due to a training opportunity for the crew.


Water – It was reported that usage decreased from 3,313,000 gallons in August 2018 to 3,013,000 this year. Water testing and operations were normal. Water meter installation was discussed during Old Business.


Fire – No report.


Code Enforcement – Mayor Spaeth introduced new Code Enforcement Officer, Anthony Fancher to the Board. He indicated that Anthony has completed the first two of six required class sessions. The monthly Code report indicated two permits were issued in August.


Dog Control – No Report


Joint Youth – Trustee Sedon stated that Ken was going to be setting up a date for a final meeting to discuss the 2019 camp season.


Marketing Mayor Spaeth reported the Village is now a member of CRG and we have access to assistance with marketing now. Trustee Eckert reported she had a concern about the new logo brought to her attention. She stated the individual feels that our logo appears to be marketing a certain business. Mayor Spaeth stated that he has had discussion about the logo and the legal opinion is that it is an artist’s rendering of a silhouette. He also stated that design of the logo did not require a bid process because it was only $200.00.


Park Use Requests – A request was from Fulton County Tourism to use the Waterfront Park as a pit stop for their Bike Thru History ride scheduled on Sunday, October 13, 2019. Trustee Sedon made a motion to approve the park use request for Fulton County Tourism, with the fee waived. The motion was seconded by Trustee Markiewicz and carried by voice vote as follows:

Aye:                 Trustee Collins, Trustee Eckert, Trustee Markiewicz, Trustee Sedon

Nay:                  0

Abstain:           0


Tree Commission- Highway Superintendent Reidell reported that there are trees coming in Thursday. He indicated that per the Commission, four trees are scheduled for the terrace, the Methodist Church replacement tree is requested in a spot 42 feet from the center of the road which is outside the ROW, other trees are schedule for curbed area on Washington Street where sidewalks have already been damaged by trees in the terrace. Highway Superintendent Reidell also stated that there are no stakes out where he was instructed these trees go and that trees are being put on parcels where there was no written request for a tree. Trustee Markiewicz stated there needed to be better coordination before trees are planted. Trustee Sedon stated that the maples are beautiful, but they shouldn’t be in the terrace. Mayor Spaeth stated the Tree law only deals with street trees which is defined as trees in the Village ROW. He stated we can’t place trees outside the Village ROW under the current law. Mayor Spaeth suggested that we need to review the whole program as to what we are trying to accomplish. He stated the Commission was formed for terrace trees due to the maple issue the Village previously experienced. The goal was to find trees with root systems that would not impact sidewalks yet create the tree lined streets that are a part of Northville’s history. After continued discussion, Trustee Eckert stated we needed to follow the law that was in place for the time being. Mayor Spaeth stated we needed to develop a process for tree replacement that we adhere to. Mayor Spaeth stated that Sally Peck and Gail Collins have resigned from the Tree Commission. Trustee Sedon stated that Sally indicated that she could not devote the time to the Commission with her expanded business. Mayor Spaeth indicated that Mrs. Collins was under the impression that the Tree Commission was something it didn’t appear to be, and she was not comfortable with decisions made.


LWRP Committee- Mayor Spaeth reported that the Committee is continuing to work on the proposal.



Bills to be paid from the General Fund in the amount of $ 112,656.57, from the Water Fund in the amount of $ 66,803.58, and from the Joint Youth Fund in the amount of $ 1,464.71, were presented for payment. Motion to approve payment was made by jm, seconded by Trustee Sedon, and carried by voice vote as follows:

Aye:                 Trustee Collins, Trustee Eckert, Trustee Markiewicz, Trustee Sedon

Nay:                  0

Abstain:           0




            Trustee Eckert asked what the plan was for water meter replacement. Mayor Spaeth stated the goal is to get quotes from outside agencies for bidding on installing the water meters. Currently, Darryl has gotten one quote from the three companies he requested quotes from. Mayor Spaeth indicated the quote received came in at $ 160/meter. Due to the volume of meters, the project would be a $50,000.00 contract and as such, needs to go out for formal bid. Mayor Spaeth indicated that Daryl was getting info for the bid process. Mayor Spaeth indicated quotes were not requested from local companies and he feels they should be given the opportunity, which they will in the formal bid process. Mayor Spaeth stated the goal now would be to begin installing new meters in the spring and complete the project by mid August. Mayor Spaeth stated there are currently 340 meters in storage and in talking with Treasurer Matthews, we do have funds in reserve to get the remaining 300 meters so the project could be completed all at once. He indicated as part of the bid package would be a requirement that the completion date be August 2020. He stated that the Village would pay the contract and then the cost of the meter installation would appear on the property owners bill as a one time charge. Trustee Sedon and Trustee Eckert both asked if homeowners could arrange to put their own meters in. Mayor Spaeth indicated that when a bid is drafted, it would have to include the number of meters to be installed. If we weren’t able to provide the numbers in the bid, it would invalidate the bid. Trustee Eckert stated she felt the quote received was excessive. Mayor Spaeth indicated that when we go out for bid, we don’t have to accept any bid. After continued discussion, Mayor Spaeth asked the Board if they wanted to go out for bid on this project. Mayor Spaeth stated that as per Darryl, the local plumbers have not been inclined to agree to installing meters and it was his hope that a bulk volume of meter installations may entice local plumbers to bid on the project. After continued discussion, Trustee Eckert made a motion to go out for bid on installation of 400 water meters with a price to be provided for additional meter installation over the requested amount. The motion was seconded by Trustee Markiewicz and carried by voice vote as follows:

Aye:                 Trustee Collins, Trustee Eckert, Trustee Markiewicz, Trustee Sedon

Nay:                  0

Abstain:           0


In anticipation of going out for bid for the entire project, Mayor Spaeth stated additional meters would need to be ordered. As such, he presented Resolution #12 of 2019 Permissive Referendum for Radio Read Meter Purchase as follows:


Trustee Collins asked if there is any guarantee that we would get the meters in a reasonable amount of time to have them on hand for installation. Mayor Spaeth stated we could order them well ahead of time and store them.


It was reported that Darryl has installed some meters already and those homeowners didn’t pay anything. Trustee Eckert asked it is was an installation issue. Mayor Spaeth explained how the process was previously handled. He asked Trustee Eckert and Trustee Eckert, as Water Commission members, to set up a meeting with Darryl to discuss the process and develop a bid package. He asked them to explore the possibility of giving homeowners the opportunity to get the meters installed by their own plumbers and inspected by the Village, as the integrity of the water system rests on the Village.


After discussion, Trustee Markiewicz made a motion to approve Resolution #12 of 2019 as presented. The motion was seconded by Trustee Eckert and carried by voice vote as follows:

Aye:                 Trustee Collins, Trustee Eckert, Trustee Markiewicz, Trustee Sedon

Nay:                  0

Abstain:           0


Mayor Spaeth presented an Intermunicipal Agreement for the Code Enforcement Officer. It was reported that the cost of Code Enforcement would be split 50/50 between the Village and the Town. Trustee Markiewicz made a motion to approve the Intermunicipal Agreement for the Code Enforcement Officer. The motion was seconded by Trustee Sedon and carried by voice vote as follows:

Aye:                 Trustee Collins, Trustee Eckert, Trustee Markiewicz, Trustee Sedon

Nay:                  0

Abstain:           0


Mayor Spaeth presented the parking lot agreement between Luigi Lanzi of 192 N. Main Street and the Village of Northville. After discussion, Trustee Eckert made a motion to approve the parking lot agreement as presented. The motion was seconded by Trustee Collins and carried by voice vote as follows:

Aye:                 Trustee Collins, Trustee Eckert, Trustee Markiewicz, Trustee Sedon

Nay:                  0

Abstain:           0


Mayor Spaeth presented the Amendments to Chapter 139 -Solid Waste that will be submitted to the Village Attorney to draft in final formal for review at the October meeting. Trustee Markiewicz made a motion to approve moving the amendments forward as required. The motion was seconded by Trustee Eckert and carried by voice vote as follows:

Aye:                 Trustee Collins, Trustee Eckert, Trustee Markiewicz, Trustee Sedon

Nay:                  0

Abstain:           0


Mayor Spaeth discussed the final revisions that were considered for the draft Zoning in regard to the section on signs. He stated at the last meeting the Board wanted to remove the exclusion of plastic signs and develop an acceptable list of materials, remove the restriction on number of fonts on signs, add the first two parcels on Mechanic Street to the MU district on South Main Street, approve temporary signs in the right of way and allow feather flags with a maximum height to be determined. After discussion, Trustee Collins made a motion to limit temporary signs to two per business that could be put out a half hour before opening and removed a half hour after closing and to allow feather flags with a maximum height of 16’ provided they were kept in good condition. The motion was seconded by Trustee Eckert and carried by voice vote as follows:

Aye:                 Trustee Collins, Trustee Eckert, Trustee Markiewicz, Trustee Sedon

Nay:                  Mayor Spaeth

Abstain:           0


Mayor Spaeth stated for the record that he was opposed to feather flags. Trustee Eckert stated she was opposed to them as well but understood their importance to the business community.


Mayor Spaeth reported to the Board that the next step was to refer the Zoning draft as amended by the Board to the Village Planning Board and the Fulton County Planning Board for a 30 day review. Mayor Spaeth reported that Planning Director Scott Henze would be assisting the Village with the SEQR process. Trustee Markiewicz made a motion to accept the draft Zoning document with the changes discussed tonight and forward the document to the Village Planning Board and the Fulton County Planning Board for 30 day review. The motion was seconded by Trustee Collins and carried by voice vote as follows:

Aye:                 Trustee Collins, Trustee Eckert, Trustee Markiewicz, Trustee Sedon

Nay:                  0

Abstain:           0


Mayor Spaeth reported there would be one last public input session on October 7th at 7 p.m. as an Open House is scheduled to let the public know of the changes that were driven off their input from the previous public sessions. The revised draft along with a summary of changes will be put on the website prior to the Open House meeting.


Mayor Spaeth reported that the Town would like to explore a new municipal building on the Village’s Third Street property. He asked the Board to think about what they would like to see done with the property and tabled further discussion until the next meeting.



Mayor Spaeth read a Proclamation supporting Northville Central School’s “Start With Hello” Program which will be bringing attention to the growing epidemic of social isolation and empowering your people to create a culture of inclusion and connectedness. He indicated that proclamation will be presented at the kickoff of the program on September 23rd.


Mayor Spaeth presented the 2020 Fulton County Planning Contract for review. Trustee Collins made a motion to approve the 2020 Fulton County Planning Contract in the amount of $400.00. The motion was seconded by Trustee Markiewicz and carried by voice vote as follows:

Aye:                 Trustee Collins, Trustee Eckert, Trustee Markiewicz, Trustee Sedon

Nay:                  0

Abstain:           0


Mayor Spaeth reported a request was received from Transitions to provide an opportunity for an internship in the municipal offices for an individual two days a week. It was noted that the program helps young adults adjust to independent living after high school and helps them develop basic job skills. After discussion, it was determined that at the current time, there would not be enough workload to provide the type of skill training desired by the program that would benefit the individuals.


Mayor Spaeth presented a request from the NCS SADD chapter to hold their annual walk in the Village beginning at 3 p.m. After discussion, Trustee Markiewicz made a motion to approve the NCS request as presented. The motion was seconded by Trustee Eckert and carried by voice vote as follows:

Aye:                 Trustee Collins, Trustee Eckert, Trustee Markiewicz, Trustee Sedon

Nay:                  0

Abstain:           0


A request was received from the Knights of Columbus for their annual coin drop on October 12th. Trustee Eckert made a motion to approve the KOC Coin Drop on October 12th. The motion was seconded by Trustee Collins and carried by voice vote as follows:

Aye:                 Trustee Collins, Trustee Eckert, Trustee Markiewicz, Trustee Sedon

Nay:                  0

Abstain:           0


A request was received from Search Team 5-1 to conduct their annual coin drop on October 26th with a rain date of November 2nd. Trustee Collins made a motion to approve the Search Team 5-1 Coin Drop as requested. The motion was seconded by Trustee Markiewicz and carried by voice vote as follows:

Aye:                 Trustee Collins, Trustee Eckert, Trustee Markiewicz, Trustee Sedon

Nay:                  0

Abstain:           0


At 9:05 p.m., Mayor Spaeth asked for a motion to enter into Executive Session to discuss a personnel issue. Trustee Markiewicz made a motion to enter into Executive Session, the motion was seconded by Trustee Sedon and carried by voice vote as follows:


Aye:                 Trustee Collins, Trustee Eckert, Trustee Markiewicz, Trustee Sedon

Nay:                  0

Abstain:           0


At 9:15 p.m, the meeting reopened in Regular Session on a motion from Trustee Markiewicz, seconded by Trustee Eckert, and carried by voice vote as follows:

Aye:                  Trustee Collins, Trustee Eckert, Trustee Markiewicz, Trustee Sedon

Nay:                  0

Abstain:           0


Mayor Spaeth reported that no action was taken during Executive Session.



There being no further business before the Board, motion was made to adjourn by Trustee Eckert, seconded by Trustee Markiewicz and passed by voice vote with no one dissenting. The meeting was adjourned at 9:16 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,


Wendy L. Reu, Clerk