February 16, 2016 Regular Meeting Minutes


Tuesday, February 16, 2016

The Village Board met Tuesday, February 16, 2016 at 7:00 PM at the village offices.


Present:             John Spaeth, Mayor


                         Debra Ellsworth, Trustee

Matthew Ginter, Trustee

             John Markiewicz, Trustee


Excused:           Patrick Barnett, Trustee


Wendy Reu, Village Clerk, Recording Secretary


            Mayor Spaeth called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


Motion to approve the minutes of the January 19, 2016 Regular Meeting was made by Trustee Markiewicz, seconded by Trustee Ellsworth, and passed by voice vote as follows:

Aye:               Trustee Ginter, Trustee Ellsworth, Trustee Markiewicz

Nay:                 0

Abstain:           0


PUBLIC COMMENTS –There were no members of the public present at the meeting.



            Streets – Highway Superintendent Reidell reported the he was getting quotes to clean the catch basin drainage pipes to alleviate the drainage issues that have been occurring around Fourth and Division Street areas due to the heavy rains. Mayor Spaeth indicated that the drainage pipes are clogged with debris and roots and getting them cleaned out will help with the problems that have been occurring.


Water – It was reported that usage decreased from 3,060,000 gallons in January 2015 to 2,652,000 this year. Water testing and operations were normal.

Mayor Spaeth reported that he has asked Darryl to come up with a written plan of things that need to be addressed in the water system.  He stated that having a current list will allow us to prioritize and look into grant opportunities.  Mayor Spaeth reported that Darryl would also like to do the second well rehab in the spring, instead of waiting until summer.  Mayor Spaeth stated he would discuss the funding of the project with Treasurer Nathanial Matthews.


Fire – Mayor Spaeth informed the Board that the Fireman’s Association had entered into a mutual aid agreement with Edinburg which provided that each department would respond any time the other department was called out.  Trustee Markiewicz stated that this was the similar agreement that Northville had with the Town of Hope.  Mayor Spaeth indicated that the Village of Northville has a contract with the Town of Hope and there is no contract with the Town of Edinburg.  He continued by stating there is a large distinction between the Fireman’s Association and the Fire Department.  Mayor Spaeth stated that the Fireman’s Association can’t enter into agreements.  He stated that agreements of this nature need to be approved by the Village Board as it is the Village’s liability and equipment.  After discussion, Trustee Markiewicz made a motion to approve the mutual aid agreement with the Town of Edinburg.  The motion was seconded by Trustee Ellsworth and carried by voice vote as follows:

Aye:                Trustee Ginter, Trustee Ellsworth, Trustee Markiewicz

Nay:                 0

Abstain:           0


Code Enforcement –    Mayor Spaeth reported that Code Enforcement Officer Edwards inspected that Village owned building at 202 N. Third Street to determine if the building was a safe structure or should be condemned.  CEO Edwards indicated that the back garage is in bad shape and should be taken down but the remainder of the structure was sound. Mayor Spaeth indicated that as the entire building was not condemnable, the Village would have to move forward with obtaining quotes for asbestos surveys, asbestos removal, and air quality monitoring in anticipation of demolition of the structure in the future.  Mayor Spaeth stated that Highway Superintendent Reidell was working on obtaining quotes.


Joint Youth – Mayor Spaeth reported the Commission met recently and discussed the program and hiring of a new Youth Director.  He stated they decided to keep a year round program.  It was also determined that more reporting needs to be made to the Commission especially regarding non camp related programs to further evaluate the program.  Mayor Spaeth stated a job description and help wanted ad was being put together for the Youth Director position.  He indicated there will be a one year trial period for the position at a salary of             $ 6,400.00.  At the end of the first year, the salary will increase to the full salary of $ 7,300.00.  Mayor Spaeth indicated that he and Youth Commission Chairman Bill Gritsavage will be interviewing applicants for the Director position.


Comprehensive Plan – Trustee Markiewicz updated the Board on the recent Comprehensive Plan Committee meeting.  He indicated they discussed economic development and talked about uses for various buildings in the Village.  Mayor Spaeth indicated that after the new Comprehensive Plan is completed and adopted, the Village will need to move onto reviewing and revising the Zoning Code.



Bills to be paid from the General Fund in the amount of $ 15,910.54, from the Water Fund in the amount of $ 3,362.10, and from the Joint Youth Fund in the amount of $ 382.62 were presented for payment. Motion to approve payment was made by Trustee Ellsworth, seconded by Trustee Markiewicz, discussed, and carried by voice vote as follows:

Aye:                  Trustee Ginter, Trustee Ellsworth, Trustee Markiewicz

Nay:                 0

Abstain:           0



            Trustee Ginter reported that a resident had approached him again about wanting a three way stop at the intersection of Bridge and Main and other members indicated she had spoken with them also. After discussion, the Board agreed that a traffic survey to study traffic flow at the intersection by a professional would be the best way to address her concerns.


Mayor Spaeth reported that the grant application for predevelopment activities regarding Senior Housing by FCCHC had been submitted.  He also reported that the STFSL was working with Pathstone, which is a group that develops and manages a combination of low income and senior housing projects.  It was determined that the Task Force demographics didn’t support the size of a project Pathstone normally develops and there was thought of a mixed use project with senior housing and older Lexington clients who are more independent.  Mayor Spaeth reported that representatives from Pathstone, Lexington, and STFSL met last week to see if there was an interest in proceeding with a project in Northville.  Mayor Spaeth stated that Pathstone representatives came to look at properties in the Village and are interested in the old hotel on Main Street.  Mayor Spaeth indicated that Pathstone likes to redevelop historic properties.



            Mayor Spaeth reported after the recent NCS presentation regarding their Capital Project and the need to relocate their tennis courts, he began to think about how the local municipalities could help with finding alternative sites for the courts. He stated he thought that the American Legion pavilion property on Gould Hill might be a suitable site for the courts and asked the Board for input before approaching the Legion members.  He stated that the Village could offer to purchase the property or lease the property, depending on the Board’s desire.  Mayor Spaeth continued by stating that the Village could even enter into a land use agreement with the Legion to improve the property.  Trustee Ginter asked how the Village would recoup our investment if the property was purchased or leased.  Mayor Spaeth stated that everything the Village is able to add to the community builds the community up and makes it more attractive for people to come here and spend their money here.  He continued by stating to promote economic development you have to enhance what the municipality offers.  After continued discussion, Trustee Ellsworth stated it would be worth at least having a conversation with the Legion members to see if there was even any interest.  The Board agreed and Mayor Spaeth stated he would get in touch with Bill Mackey.


             It was noted that due to Village Elections on March 15th , the regular meeting would be rescheduled to March 22nd and would start at 6:30 p.m. with the Budget Workshop.


It was also noted that the April 19th meeting would need to be rescheduled due to Primary Elections.  After discussion, the Board agreed to schedule the Budget Hearing, Organizational Meeting and Regular meeting on Monday, April 18th beginning at 6:30 p.m.



There being no further business before the Board, motion was made to adjourn by Trustee Ellsworth, seconded by Trustee Markiewicz and passed by voice vote with no one dissenting.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,



Wendy Reu, Clerk